Saturday, February 2, 2008

Restaurant Review: Market Square Kitchen

Well with my wife out of town this weekend I decided last night that I would find me a great place to have a sandwich for lunch. I'm trying to find some awesome local restaurants, and I'd really like to find some substitutes for my typical Subway or Penn Station stops.

I started looking at Metro Pulse's website (Knoxville's City Beat equivalent) and found out about a place down on Market Square called Market Square Kitchen. Looking at their lunch menu I didn't need to go any further than the 4th item on the list: Southern Chicken Salad $4.99 Our own delicious homemade chicken salad with walnuts & special spices on homemade honey wheat bread.

Man that sounded good. And with free parking on the weekends downtown who could resist? It was a beautiful day on the square and lots of people were out enjoying the sunshine. It was still a bit crisp but the sun felt good. As I strolled up to Market Square Kitchen I noticed the 1/2 sandwich 1/2 soup combo on the board out front. On a crisp day like today nothing is better than some hot soup!

I ordered the chicken salad sandwich and the hearty vegetable soup. About 2 minutes later my meal arrived. The sandwich was delicious. Normally I'm not a big tomato guy, but the flavors of the chicken salad, tomato, and honey wheat bread were outstanding together. The soup lived up to its name with huge chunks of potatoes, tomatoes, and green beans.

The staff was friendly (3 people smiled and wished me a good day on my way out) and the food was perfect. I'll definitely be back because I want to try the fried bologna (I LOVE fried bologna), the Cape Cod Turkey and Cranberry, and the Nantucket Tuna.

Afterwards I spent some time reading in the square. A guy was on the stage at the far end singing and playing the guitar and a harmonica. Nothing beats a good lunch, some good music, and a good book.

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